Severe and pervasive acts that create hostile work environments continue to be an ongoing problem. This is why the expert sexual harassment attorneys at Employee Rights Law Firm are here to help. We serve Kansas City, Weston, Liberty, MO, and all surrounding areas.
If a superior victimizes you because of your gender, you need a higher level of advocacy to hold your boss and your employer accountable. At the Kansas City Employee Rights Law Firm—Law Offices of Mark A. Jess, L.L.C., our sexual harassment attorneys take a proactive and hard-charging approach to see that justice is served.
All of the acts below are forms of sexual harassment and should be taken seriously by you and your employer:
Contact us if you have been subject to sexual harassment in your workplace.
Holding the Harassers Accountable and Protecting Your Rights
Every sexual harassment victim has the right to seek justice. We understand that some workplaces can take things like sexual harassment too lightly, but we want you to know that we are on your side. Sexual harassment is no joke, not only can it hurt your self-esteem, but can put you in a potentially dangerous or hostile situation later down the road.
Sexual harassment in any form has no place in a professional setting. You should be able to report it without the fear of retaliation. At the Employee Rights Law Firm in Kansas City, MO we seek justice for our clients by thoroughly investigating the claim and building a case based on facts.
In the end, our job is to hold the offending parties accountable for facilitating a work environment that is anything but friendly and productive.
From inappropriate comments to unwanted touching, sexual harassment can take many forms. Victims of this inappropriate behavior need a seasoned advocate at their side. For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer regarding a claim of sexual harassment, please contact us.
Serving Kansas City, Springfield, Liberty MO & All Surrounding Areas
Contact Our Law Office If You Believe You Are Being Discriminated Against At Work
4 E Franklin St Liberty, MO 64068
Phone: (816) 474-4600
Fax: (816) 474-4601
Proudly Serving:
Kansas City, MO | Weston, MO | Liberty, MO | Cameron, MO | Jefferson City, MO | Vandalia, MO | Chillicothe, MO | Springfield, MO